Find Your Zen with these 5 Techniques
Zen is the title of over four hundred published books. It’s a subject that has attracted interest for thousands of years. Pretty much every culture you can think of has some approach to achieving this state. Zen is all about living in the moment, observing, and experiencing things without judgment or hesitation. Here are 5 ways to find your Zen, whatever it may be.
1. Quiet the Mind with Self Talk
There are many techniques for quieting the mind. Some of the most popular are prayer, meditation, and self-talk. Self-talk is talking to yourself. When you speak out loud, you give your brain something to think about other than what it has been concentrating on. This makes it easier for you to relax and focus on something else. During these small moments of downtime, think about what you’ll say next time someone asks you how your day is going or what you’ll say when someone asks how they look in their new shirt or if they should go ahead and order dessert.
2. Find an Accountability Partner
Find an accountability partner. This person is your ally, your cheerleader, your mirror. You are both on the same journey to reach your goals, and this person will be there to make sure you stay on track.
The first thing you need to do is find a supportive buddy or two who can be your accountability partners and keep you on track. The best way to find someone like this is to choose someone who has already achieved similar goals as you and ask them if they would be willing to help out. If you don’t know anyone who has done what you want to do, put up a post on social media or your local community boards asking if anyone would be interested in working with you as an accountability partner. It may take a few tries to find someone compatible but just remember that the right person is out there!
3. Have a Physical Practice
Set aside time each day for practice. It doesn’t have to belong, but it does have to happen daily. Many people find that early morning is best because they’re calmer and more focused at that time. Find what works best for you and commit to it. Schedule your practice at the same time every day so that it becomes part of your routine. This is essential for making progress with your practice. You don’t have to join a gym or buy equipment in order to do yoga, qigong, or any other form of physical discipline. You can do these exercises in the comfort of your own home.
The main benefit of physical practice is that it gives you something to do with your body when you are feeling stressed out or overwhelmed. By practicing yoga, tai chi, qigong, or any other form of physical activity, you are using your body in a healthy way rather than turning to unhealthy behaviors.
4. Nourish the Body
Start by eating more fruits and vegetables regularly. This will give your body the nutrients it needs to function properly and will leave you feeling full longer than processed foods will. Eat whole grains as often as possible instead of white bread and pasta products. These whole grains provide vitamins and minerals that processed foods don’t contain. Choose lean meats like fish and chicken over red meat as they don’t contain as much fat and cholesterol as their red meat counterparts do. Avoid junk food as it is usually filled with artificial ingredients that aren’t good for your body or your mind.
Healthy eating starts with a well-balanced diet. Find recipes that include a good mix of protein, vegetables, whole grains, and fruit. Plan your meals in advance and shop accordingly and keep them in near sight. That way, you won’t find yourself running to the market for a quick snack that’s high in fat and sugar.
5. Get Exposure to Nature
One of the best ways to relax is going for a walk or sitting by a stream or a lake. Even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, you can still feel the benefits. Just be sure to choose a safe nearby location, such as a nearby park or trail, so you don’t have to travel too far from home.
A single walk won’t necessarily lower your stress level, but the impact is cumulative — the longer you’re in nature, and the more time and attention you devote to it, the better it is for your mental health. Unfortunately, a lot of people live in cities where these activities aren’t possible. The good news is there are some simple things you can do to incorporate nature exposure into your everyday life.
You may opt to have some plants indoors. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a couple of nice-looking plants on your table or on the window sill will do the trick. If you don’t like taking care of plants, get an artificial one so it won’t die on you while you’re busy with your life and working away from home.