3 Ways to Improve Your Creativity
Creativity is the process of creating something new and innovative. It’s a skill that can be developed and nurtured. One of the best ways to do so is to unplug from technology and take time away from social media.
Creativity comes best when you’re focused on connecting with your imagination. The more you engage with it, the more opportunities present themselves. It’s also allowing yourself to notice things that aren’t just what they seem to be at first glance. Creativity is being aware of all the different possibilities. Oftentimes, the most creative people are those who connect with their imagination first before anything else. Creativity is a skill that can be developed and nurtured through daily practice. Just like a muscle, and in order to have a strong imagination, you have to exercise it so it becomes stronger.
The following are three steps you can take to improve your creativity:
1. Turn off notifications
You don’t need to know every time someone comments on your Instagram post or sends a tweet about you. Instead, check social media at designated times throughout the day. This will help you avoid becoming obsessive and getting distracted by the constant stream of information coming in via your phone.
Here’s a simple experiment you can try today: turn off all your notifications for a few hours. Then see how much more time you have to do what matters to you. Your email, apps, Twitter feed, and other distractions are easy to deal with when they’re not constantly vying for your attention.
By allowing yourself to check social media at designated times throughout the day, you’ll be able to stay on top of what’s going on and respond to any urgent matters. Instead of being a slave to your phone, you’ll be a more conscious consumer of information.
2. Go offline periodically
Take time each night to completely unplug from technology and enjoy some downtime. The Internet has become such an integral part of our lives that we often forget how to relax without it, but it is possible to do so with practice. For instance, try spending 20 minutes after work each day reading a book or working on a project instead of checking your phone for new notifications.
Some people schedule regular “brain time” into their schedules: a time when they will let their minds wander a bit without any specific goal in mind. You may also try to take a walk or go for a drive or do the dishes or take a nap. Do something mindless, something physical that involves as little mental effort as possible. Then let your mind wander as it pleases, not as you direct it. You don’t need an agenda for this kind of creativity.
3. Spend more time outside
Get in touch with nature! Being around trees, fresh air, and natural light can help recharge your creative energy. Nature inspires creativity by helping you focus on what truly matters rather than getting stuck in the minutiae of things.
As you breathe in the fresh air, your body also slows down which helps you relax and feel at peace again. Spending time in nature can make you more productive. Some people like listening to music while they work but the music can get distracting after a while. If this is the case for you, try listening to sounds of nature instead like birds chirping or leaves blowing in the wind. You might find that it improves your focus and productivity levels while reducing your stress levels at the same time. Finally, if you take walks outside throughout the day, it will give you an opportunity to enjoy the views around you. As an added bonus, this can help reduce stress levels too.